Social, political, religious, scientific, technological, and other events are the circumstances that surround our lives and with which each of us has to deal with and overcome. However, each historical event can have very special effects and consequences in life and course of a person and even a family.


This side of history is not always shared, and perhaps that is why we are not all in agreement with the general conclusions that history books convey to us.
In fact, each of us is a living witness to a historical event. Each one of us felt and experienced a facet of this event and that is why there are individual interpretations and conclusions sometimes so far removed from those recorded in the history of civilization books.

For example, a war, a serious conflict that puts the stability and security of people in danger requires each individual, each family to make quick decisions. These decisions have consequences for the course of their lives, they always have a direct impact and, depending on the consequences or suffering experienced, each person has a very unique opinion and interpretation of a historical event.

These “sides” of history are often not present in books and end up not being shared with younger generations.

Storytellers are fundamental. They are in every family.

Each family lived and experienced general events that had an influence on family life, and that often changed behaviours and ways of thinking. In fact, we value it better when we live in our skin, or when those closest to us tell us the other side of history.

We can be storytellers in very creative and constructive ways.

Here are some tips: we all have photo albums and other audio-visual records, we all have cookbooks from mothers and grandmothers who have passed on from generation to generation, we all have certain objects at home that “tell” an event in our lives. If we share our testimony with our descendants, they can build, with the help of technology, a living work that can be a book or even a documentary with the stories behind history.

This will certainly be a unique report and will have a unique affective value.