Why is COVID-19 spreading so fast?
COVID-19 can affect anyone. Not taking precautions when you are with your family, close friends and colleagues is very risky.
Protect yourself and others by wearing your mask the correct way, maintain physical distancing and hand hygiene measures in place to stop the spread of COVID-19.
The New Normal- Avioding The 3 C's
Stay At Home
Physical Distancing
Wear A Mask
Wear Your Mask Correctly- Don't Bring Your Mask Down To Your Chin
Back To School
Public Transport
Shopping In The Supermarket During COVID-19
Restaurants: Sit In & COVID-19
The Gym, Sports & COVID-19
Thinking of Going to Your Barber or Beautician?
How to Safely visit the Elderly During COVID-19
Don't Be Afraid To Visit Your Doctor
Guidelines For House-Helps
How To Disinfect Surfaces
How To Self-Quarantine While Waiting For Your COVID-19 Test Results
Prone Positioning
AKHB COVID-19 Services