Whereas Presidential Decree 142/20, of 25th May, declared, throughout the national territory, the Situation of Public Calamity due to the Pandemic of COVID-19;
Since that Presidential Decree provides for the possibility of re-evaluation of the measures contained therein, taking into account the evolution of the epidemiological situation;
Requiring the gradual process of return to normality as appropriate to health requirements;
The President of the Republic updated the Exceptional and Temporary Measures to Be in Force during the Public Calamity Situation:
A. Individual Protective Measures
• Facemask is no longer mandatory inside of private/personnel vehicles;
B. Borders Sanitary Control and Protections
• Borders of the Angolan Territory will remain closed for all effects, with entries and exits from the national territory subject to health control as defined by the authorities.
• Based on the rules to be adopted, the entry and exit from the Angolan Territory are allowed in the following situation, without any specific governmental authorization:
o Return to the national territory of national citizens and foreign residents;
o Foreign professional workers who provide services in Angola, for both private and public entities;
o Foreign citizens with a working permit/visa;
o Travel of foreign nationals to their respective countries;
o Entry and exit of cargo, goods, and parcels postcards;
o Humanitarian aid;
o Medical emergencies;
o Technical scales; entry and exit of diplomatic and consular staff;
o Transfer of corpses, which shall be admitted with two escorts;
C. Regular Flights
• The gradual restart of flights are authorized in the following terms:
o From 14/09 – domestic flights;
o From 21/09 – international flights;
• It is mandatory for international air travel to carry out an RT-PCR test up to 72 hours before travel, for both entry and exit Angola.
• It is a mandatory requirement for domestic air travel, to carry out a serological test up to 72 hours before travel;
D. Quarantine
• For national, foreign, and resident citizens that do not test positive for SARS-COV-2 in the pre-boarding test, it is mandatory to respect a home quarantine;
• Citizens subject to home quarantine shall be required to sign a liability statement.
• Home quarantine is considered as finished with the issue of a discharge certificate by the health authority, which takes place after the test SARS-COV-2 with a negative result. Such a test can be done within seven days after the start of the home quarantine.
E. Special Protections for Vulnerable Citizens
• Children under five years old are now subjected to special protection.
F. Teaching Establishments
• Starting from October, “face-to-face” teaching activates are authorized, at all scholar levels, in both private and public establishments;
G. Sports competitions and training
• Starting from 19/09, professional sports training are authorized to restart, under “close doors” and complying with biosafety measures;
H. Goods and Services Trade
• The practice of a commercial activity is now done from 07:00 to 20:00
I. Restaurants
• Restaurants can now work from 06:00 to 22:00;
J. Informal markets and street sale
• Public markets, informal markets, and street sale is now authorized five days per week (from Tuesday to Saturday) and from 06:00 to 15:00;
K. Recreational and amusement activates
• Cinemas can now work until 21:00 PM with 50% of the room capacity;
L. Religious activities
• Starting from 19/09, religious activities in Luanda are authorized Saturdays and Sundays;
• 50% of the space capacity when performed in a closed space with a limit of 150 PAX;
• Recommendation of a maximum of 2 hours for religious activities;
• General biosafety measures;
M. Religious activities
• Collective transports, both public and private, starting from 01/10 can circulate with 75% capacity;
Source: Institutional communication and press office - Multisectoral Commission for Prevention of COVID-19.