The “new normal”, in which we should spend more time guarded at home, is no excuse for a less careful diet. But do you know what to include on your grocery list?


Since it is advisable to reduce outings, it is important to organize trips to the supermarket.

It is necessary to maintain a healthy eating routine to strengthen the immune system, making the body more able to recover in case of illness.

For a strengthened immune system it is necessary:

  • Consuming fruits and vegetables;
  • Hydrate;
  • Avoid stress.

This was one of the themes proposed by the speaker Dr. Eugénia Graça, in the session of My Golden Events held on July 23rd, with the theme: “The new normal with COVID and with Life”.

The second theme presented was about the importance of disinfecting the house, taking into account the conclusions about the average survival time of the virus on the most varied surfaces.

Reinforcing the cleaning and disinfection of people and the space we inhabit is an important step in preventing contamination of the new coronavirus.
The detergents and cleaning products we have at home are sufficient to carry out this cleaning, just being necessary to handle them more carefully and more often.

Some assumptions that must be met:

  • Always wear waterproof and disposable gloves and apron;
  • Wash your hands before and after using gloves;
  • Use soapy water or bleach;
  • Rinse with hot water and allow to dry;
  • Disinfect more carefully the objects you take to the street or handle frequently, such as knobs and handles.