- My Golden Time Seixal
In general, any challenging cognitive or physical activity stimulates the brain. Therefore, during the My Golden Time session, that took place on July 1st, Sandra Barradas asked seniors to use devices usually used on a daily basis as if they were musical instruments.
The reduction of stress, with consequent improvement in well-being and quality of life, the alleviation of loneliness and depression and creative development, are some of the advantages of this activity.
- Active Memory
The usual Active Memory program, with Zubeda Ruhani, took place on July 6th. In addition to some relaxation exercises, the session focused on the feeling of gratitude: deciding to be grateful and looking at events in a positive perspective.The seniors were challenged to start a gratitude journal. Creating a gratitude journal is an excellent way to maintain a genuine sense of gratitude and a positive outlook on life.
- IT Session
IT sessions for Jamati seniors continue taking place on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Elderly Gym Class
Senior gym classes also continue takin place every Tuesday and Fridaym in Lisbon and Oeiras, and on Saturdays, in Seixal.
In addition to the gym sessions via Zoom, seniors also perform stretching exercises on Sundays, through a WhatsApp group, in synergy with Youth & Sports.
Yoga classes take place on Wednesdays, via WhatsApp, for every senior Jamat.
Seniors (+60) who want to participate in the mentioned programs can contact the following Elderly Care members:
- Shelina Amade: (Lisbon) 968 385 002
- Salima Sadrudin: (Seixal) 933 080 185
- Farida Nurali: (Oeiras) 960 400 250