1. Complete this checklist!
Before proceeding, please ensure you have:
- Completed the Registration Form
- Read the Problem Statements
- Checked your project meets the recommended submission guidelines
Your video is filmed in horizontal format
Your video is uploaded to YouTube as an unlisted video
Your video has a title and description
Your video is 3 minutes long
Please note, your project will not be included in the Global STEM Festival without completing the above, so please ensure this is complete before proceeding.
2. Remove prohibited content
Your video will not be admitted to the Festival if any of the following appear in your submission:
Mawlana Hazar Imam or the Seal of the Imamat in the shot - avoid all Mawlana Hazar Imam related material please!
Devotional content that is not ITREB santioned/approved (e.g. coding an app that lets you listen to ginans)
Copyrighted material of any sort - this may include music, videos, images and confidential material in the design or delivery of the project. If you wish to include music, videos and images online, please use royalty free media.
Please note that offensive material such as nudity, religious symbols, or anything that is consdered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient" will not be allowed.
Please note that all videos will be shown online and so we recommend you protect the participant’s identity by not disclosing their name, age or where they are from in the video. If you do so, we assume you feel comfortable with the participant’s details appearing online.
3. Submit!
As long as you have registered, you will receive a link from us by email to submit your project. Please email [email protected] if you have not received an email with this link.
The deadline for submitting your solutions has now been extended to 12 September 2021 at 23:59 PST.