Ya Ali Madat,
The reopening of places of worship are dependent on the instructions of Angolan Health Authorities.
Just recently, Angolan Health Authorities have informed that places of worship in Luanda should not open until further notice.
The reopening of Lobito Jamatkhana, expected for 29th June, is being coordinated by the Local Institutions and by Mukhi and Kamadia Sahebs of Lobito.
The opening will comply with all the necessary operational and logistics considerations to ensure the safety and good health of all members of our Jamat of Lobito.
Several Health and Safety Guidelines will be communicated to the Jamat in Lobito by our Local Institutions, and will cover the various aspects of religious practices, ceremonies and general safety and security recommendations such as physical distancing, entry and exit on the prayer hall.
The same Health and Safety Guidelines for the Luanda Jamatkhana will be communicated to the Jamat in Luanda, in due time, and once the Angolan Health Authorities instructs about the upcoming dates and circumstances for the opening of places of worship in Luanda.
Until then, the Institutions urge the Jamat to remain calm and to respectfully all health and safety recommendations by the Angolan Government and Health Authorities.
We give Shukrana and we are grateful for our beloved Mawlana Hazar Imam’s guidance, and we hope and pray that we can soon be together in congregation to practice our faith.