Early childhood lays critical foundations for a person’s entire life – a finding demonstrated not only by the latest advanced research in neuroscience and genetics but by nutrition and child development studies and program evaluation data, including data from AKDN’s own programs.
In an effort to ensure that young leaders in our Jamat can benefit from the same, the Council for Angola has launched an ECD initiative to support parents in these challenging times. The key objective of this program is to provide families with ideas and activities they can use to keep young children (12 months - 5 years) engaged and learning during the Covid-19 crisis. These activities are meant to compliment any existing education materials children may receive from their schools.
Parents receive a weekly email from the Education team on Sundays with activities for the week and are encouraged to share their progress during the week via the ECD WhatsApp group. These activities cover topics such as art, literacy and numbers. Education board members are available at any time to provide additional support.
In addition to this, the Education team will coordinate a video call for children to do an activity together twice a month.
Here is some of the work our children have been busy with over the past few weeks:
Child doing some painting
Drawing from a child
Drawing from a child