Toddlers (1-3 Years)

UAE Ministry of Education

04 April 2020

The UAE Ministry of Education has put together a range of developmentally appropriate activities for each age-group. Activities address the different domains of development such as the physical, social and emotional, language and communication and cognitive skills.

12-24 Months

Activities to support your toddler’s development at home

24-36 Months

Activities to support your child’s development at home

وزارة بية الت والتعليم ف دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة

.جمعت وزارة التربية والتعليم في دولة اإلمارات العربية المتحدة مجموعة من األنشطة المناسبة للتنمية لكل فئة عمرية. تتناول هذه األنشطة المجاالت المختلفة للتنمية مثل المهارات الجسدية, واإلجتماعية, والعاطفية, واللغة واإلتصال, والمهارات المعرفية

ًمن 12 إلى 24 شهرا

أنشطة لدعم نمو طفلك في المنزل

ًمن 24 إلى 36 شهرا را

أنشطة لدعم نمو طفلك في المنزل

Language & Communication

01 April 2020

Parent Article: Reading with Toddlers

Learn tips and techniques to enhance your child’s communication skills in their early years.

Toddlers and Reading: Describe but Don’t Drill 

Sensory Story Tub: The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Use a story sensory tub to build early literacy skills in your child using their favourite book.

The Very Hungry Caterpillar Sensory Storytelling Tub 

Arts & Sensory Experiences

Frozen Jello

This fun hands-on science investigation provides sensory exploration for very young hands.

Frozen Jello Sensory Play 

Playdough Recipe

Use this cost effective recipe to make safe playdough that can be stored in the fridge for prolonged use.

The Best Playdough Recipe 

Physical Development

Lint Roller Worm Pick-Up

Work on your toddler’s fine motor skills by providing simple at home materials.

Lint Roller Worm Pick Up 

Pom Pom Drop and Shoot

Here’s an example of how your toddler can manipulate simple objects around the home to work on their fine and gross motor skills.

Pom Pom Drop And Shoot 


Using Recycled Materials

Provide open ended recyclable materials easily found around home to help your child work on their creativity and problem-solving skills.

Recycled Building Stem Activity 

Liquid Density Experiment: Ice, Baby Oil and Glitter

Provide opportunities to explore properties of liquids by providing your toddler with simple household items.

Sensory Science Play Teaching Liquid Density 

Recipes To Try

Healthy Baked Broccoli Tots

Finger food items such as these bite-sized tots will allow your child to develop independence in feeding themselves.

Healthy Baked Broccoli Tots 

Green Smoothie Pancakes

A healthy recipe with spinach and whole wheat flour to keep your toddler’s belly full.

Green Smoothie Pancakes

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