A letter from the Secretary General
It is with great honour that I, Adam Noorali, Secretary-General of the Global Ismaili Youth Model United Nations, welcome you to the 2021 conference.
The IYMUN Team, our Student Officers, and Organising Team proudly present our annual conference as an Aga Khan Education Board initiative aspiring to provide attending Ismailis from across the globe an opportunity to pursue their passions for debate and diplomacy. This year’s conference theme is ‘Urban and Rural Development’, a theme that is highly pertinent in a constantly evolving world. The rapid change of our world with urbanization and the current COVID-19 pandemic calls for a unified effort to resolve the problems faced by the world as a result.
Model United Nations is a unique program that allows individuals to harness a power rarely vested in teenagers. In this uniquely designed forum, delegates have the opportunity to address consequential and highly topical themes by developing complex resolutions and engaging wholeheartedly in the ensuing debates. MUN champions an unrivaled ability to unite diverse individuals in their passion for resolving global issues. We, as a team, strive to provide an immersive, engaging, and inspiring learning environment for delegates, chairs, and leaders - new and experienced alike. We intend for the event to allow individuals to hone existing skills, or discover a new interest to pursue.
As we all know and are experiencing, the ever-evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic has redefined our everyday norms, leading us into an unforeseen micro-technological revolution. As such, the IYMUN conference bears the mark of adaptation. Amidst the pandemic, we hope to provide students with the same opportunities of becoming politically aware global citizens and future leaders, regardless of time zone and country. In the words of former US President, Barack Obama, “We did not come to fear the future, we came here to shape it.” In collaborating and cooperating on resolutions to ameliorate the global environment, we hope that our Ismaili brothers and sisters end the conference with the ability to think critically and innovatively about the needs of the future.
In that light, I look forward to seeing you at IYMUN 2021 for what is promised to be a weekend of fruitful and inspiring debate on momentous issues, ranging from matters in disarmament and international security, to human rights, and more.
Adam Noorali