Ismaili Centres Archive
How an organization uses technology to connect people and encourage greater understanding and empathy
The Ismaili Jamatkhana and Center hosted Waidehi Gokhale, CEO of Soliya, for an interview on using technology to create an interconnected world. This interview aired on The Ismaili TV on June 22, 2020.
“During times of uncertainty, it’s a good way to come together and give back.” Shamil Tajuddin.
Although COVID-19 has caused much change, one aspect of the Ismaili community that never wanes is the necessity to incorporate service into daily actions. The Ismaili Jamatkhana in Glenview hosted a drive-thru food donation initiative to support those in need amid the COVID-19 crisis.
The Business Mentoring Programme is an initiative by the Aga Khan Economic Planning Board to support entrepreneurs in the UK.
We live in times of exponential change, driven by disruptive technologies, shifting global politics, changing human behavior, and newly emerging social norms. As we enter the fourth industrial revolution era,we may be witnessing the greatest amount of change ever seen in a single human lifetime. But what is it exactly, why does matter and what can we do about it?
While the United States was settling into the initial stages of a global pandemic and lockdown, three Ismaili musicians gathered on March 27 to deliver a virtual concert to a national and global audience. Fitoor the Band aims to preserve traditional South Asian music using contemporary influences and keep age-old musical traditions alive for younger and older generations.
Going green has been a conscious effort made by those who keep Jamatkhanas running on a daily basis. The Council’s Property Matters Portfolio (PMP) is tasked to work closely with Jamati leaders to ensure the success of sustainability through new initiatives.
Simple actions like throwing your empty packet of chips in the dustbin, or even better, recycling it causes a huge impact on Nature’s well-being.
During these trying times the government passed a bill that will exempt VAT on essential goods.
One of the fastest and most cost-effective ways to learn something new is to read.
Launched in April 2019 for students aged 11 and up, our residential programme allows students from across the world to study at the Academy.
The Aga Khan Academy has started a little initiative to bring the Academy’s community together.
In order to mitigate the negative impact of the COVID19 pandemic in the Mozambican economy the Central Bank of Mozambique by means of Notice No. 6/GBM/2020, of 10 June has introduced some amendments to the Forex Regulations.
Attempt the online quiz to qualify for the next level.
An exciting opportunity to refresh your religious knowledge and tease your brain!