Global Encounters Update

June 23, 2020


Due to the current coronavirus pandemic and the unprecedented uncertainty that the next few months will bring, Global Encounters has made the difficult decision to not move forward with our 2020 programmes in July and December.

Since our inception in 2012, Global Encounters has approached each participant's experience with keen attention to safety and security. This year is no exception. We are committed to following the advice of the global health community and are continuing to carefully monitor this evolving situation.

Notice of this decision and information about next steps has been sent to all our 2020 participant, facilitator and staff applicants. We are very aware of the disappointment that this news may bring, and want you to know that this decision was not made lightly. We also know that you may have questions, and we have tried to answer some of them below. 

Participant Admissions:

What factors will influence admissions decisions for the revised 2020 cycle? Will admissions and placements be based on merit?

We are committed to completing a full admissions cycle and will select applicants based on merit and the rubric developed for 2020. Our international review is currently underway and selection deliberations will be completed as planned.

What factors will influence admissions decisions for the 2021 cycle?

In light of COVID-19 and its impact globally, we will develop an updated application form for 2021. Each section of the application will be reviewed and will take into account the pandemic and the impact that it has had on youth, their families, their schools and their communities. Our goal will be to allow applicants to share how this experience has shaped their lives and how they have and/or continue to support their families or communities during this time.

Since Global Encounters Camps are not taking place in July, will we waive admissions requirements for the 2021 cycle? Admissions requirements include age and school level requirements.

Yes, we will expand our age requirements for the 2021 admissions cycle to include 18 year olds and high school graduates. The selection process will still be merit-based.

Your country is not under a lockdown, why can't you attend the Global Encounters camp?

While countries are experiencing different severity of COVID-19 and travel restrictions might have been eased in some parts of the world, we are taking into consideration the global picture of this pandemic and the risks of traveling between different countries for all participants.

Since there are no programmes implemented in 2020, what will happen to my application?

Since there will be a new application in 2021, applicants will need to reapply but they may be able to reuse certain sections of their 2020 applications. We also remain committed to providing feedback to applicants through our in-country and international admissions teams. We will also give applicants opportunities to receive constructive feedback.

Are we honoring past deferrals?

Yes, we will honor deferrals from 2018 and 2019 through the 2021 cycle. If an applicant is over 18, the admissions team will determine the best way forward for each case.

Will we be sharing admissions decisions if we do not have a programme in 2020?

If there are no programmes offered in 2020 we will not be sharing admissions decisions as there will be a new admissions cycle and application for 2021.


Facilitator Selection:

What factors will influence admissions decisions for the revised 2020 cycle? Will admissions and placements be based on merit?

We are committed to completing a full admissions cycle and will select applicants based on merit and the rubric developed for 2020. Our international review is complete and selection deliberations will be undertaken as planned if we move forward with December Expedition.

What factors will influence admissions decisions for the 2021 cycle?

Global Encounters criteria for admissions will continue to be merit-based. In light of COVID-19 and its impact globally, we will develop an updated application form for 2021. Each section of the application will be reviewed and will take into account the pandemic and the impact that it has had on candidates, their families, and communities. Our goal will be to allow applicants to share how this experience has shaped their lives and how they were able to or continue to support their families or communities during this time.

Since there are no programmes implemented in 2020, what will happen to my application?

To acknowledge the hard work put into the 2020 application, we are working on a way where applicants will be able to reuse their 2020 applications as a starting point for 2021 admissions.

Will we be sharing admissions decisions if we do not have a programme in 2020?

If there are no programmes offered in 2020 we will not be sharing admissions decisions as there will be a new admissions cycle and application for 2021.