1/ What is Focus Star?
Focus Humanitarian Assistance is an Institution of the Aga Khan Development Network created 25 years ago and which operates under the continued guidance of Mawlana Hazar Imam. FOCUS helps communities around the world to deal with and survive natural and man-made crises / disasters. Our work centres on preparedness, relief, and resilience. These 3 objectives will be explained to you in more detail in the coming days, patience…
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
2 / What are the 3 objectives of Focus?
- Relief: Provide humanitarian aid to communities facing emergency situations resulting from natural or man-made disasters
- Resilience: Support disaster risk reduction programs
- Rebuild: Implement relocation programs for populations displaced due to political instability or conflict
The Focus Star fundraising campaign starts now! We need your support and generosity to participate in the humanitarian aid, reconstruction and resilience efforts that are needed to build a better and sustainable future.
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
3/ What initiatives does FOCUS contribute to?
- Relief (emergency support provided to/in situations of):
- Refugees and migrants
- Natural disasters
- Resilience (to weather through difficult circumstances):
- Mental health and mentorship
- Hand-holding
- Rebuild (post-pandemic preparedness)
- Settlement programme
- Readiness to respond
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
4/ Relief : Wakham Flash Floods (July 2021)
A flash flood that swept through the Wakham district in eastern Afghanistan took the lives of several dozens and displaced hundreds of people pushing the district to the edge of a humanitarian crisis. Stock piles of non-food items (NFI) and monetary funds to buy essential food items (FI) allowed AKAH and FOCUS to provide emergency relief to several displaced families
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
5/ REBUILD: European Settlement Programme
Continued violence and political unrest in countries including Syria and Afghanistan have forced many thousands of people to flee their homes. After long and often dangerous journey, people are now beginning to rebuild their lives in Europe.
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
6/ RESILIENCE – Success Story
According to the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) has developed a holistic approach to Habitat Planning combining urban and rural participatory planning techniques with international best practice and local expertise to help communities to design a better future
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
L'AKAH travaille avec le gouvernement du GBAO pour améliorer les infrastructures économiques et sociales vieillissantes de Khorog.
7/ FOCUS: I would rather focus my contribution to local organizations.
Our programmes benefit our community around the world and those that it lives amongst. Some of the initiatives include:
- Refugee settlement, at this point in time of particular concern is the Afghanistan crisis
- Emergency preparedness
- Disaster response – emergency food / medical
- Future Ready Initiative (response and recovery, resilience, mental health and mentorship)
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
8/ I can’t make a big contribution. Is there even a point?
Of course! Every gift has a big impact. By pledging monthly contributions, we make it easier for you to participate and with less of a noticeable burden on your finances.
To give you an idea of what your contribution can do:
- 25€: Clean drinking water for a family of seven
- 120€: One month’s supply of food for a family of seven
- 200€: Emergency Shelter for a family of seven
- 500€: Village Disaster Management Plan (hazard identification, evacuation procedures, safe haven identification)
- 1500€: Comprehensive Community Emergency Response Team training for 30 volunteers
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!
9/ How can I donate to FOCUS Europe?
2 options:
- Donate online at: https://www.focus-europe.org/en/donate/
- Collection desks in Jamat Khanas
Please click here if you would like to make a donation to FOCUS Europe.
THANK YOU for all your support over the last 25 years and beyond!