Highlights from the Seniors' Annual Lunch

On Sunday 13 October, we had the pleasure of organising our annual seniors' lunch, a moment of warmth, conviviality and sharing. This event, specially dedicated to our senior citizens aged 55 and over, brought together around 260 participants, accompanied by 30 dedicated volunteers.

Everyone enjoyed a delicious, well-balanced meal, to the accompaniment of Bollywood music, which added a wonderful touch to the festive atmosphere of the day.

The beaming smiles and palpable joy on the faces of our senior citizens were testament to the success of the afternoon. Karaoke, dancing and photo opportunities were all part of an unforgettable day of shared happiness. The promise to repeat this wonderful tradition next year was widely expressed.

The Board would like to extend its sincere thanks to all those who helped make this event such a success.

Yours sincerely