Canada - Diamond Jubilee Fund

The Diamond Jubilee Fund supports ongoing Jamati programs and services, special Diamond Jubilee initiatives across Canada, international collaboration for Jubilee activities, and Visits in Canada.

Les Fonds du Jubilé du Diamant soutiennent les programmes et services Jamati en cours, les initiatives spéciales du jubilé de diamant à travers le Canada, la collaboration internationale pour les activités du jubilé et les visites au Canada.


The events of the coming weeks and months will require significant resources in order to be successful and enjoyable, and we kindly request the Jamat to make your contribution to the Diamond Jubilee Fund today. The fund will cover visit-related costs such as hall rentals, security, and Jamati celebrations across Canada. The Fund also covers Diamond Jubilee commemoration activities, on-going programs and services, and international collaboration. 

  • Our needs for the Diamond Jubilee Fund in Canada are 4 times the level of institutional funding required in other years. To date, 45% of the Jamat has participated, and we have reached 41% of our target in Canada.
  • For Jamati members who have already made or offer on-going contributions, thank you for your generosity. Please consider increasing your contribution amount wherever possible.
  • To make your Diamond Jubilee Fund contribution, please see the volunteers at the Diamond Jubilee Fund desk in the foyer. Thank you for your support.

Give Online Now: Link